learning to take the time to recharge my batteries. I have always worked hard, and I continue to do so as I love helping people and giving them the messages they need to hear.  As much as I love to work, I am finding my balance, in turn that gives me my strength. Finding your strength will in turn give you your purpose to what you should and need to be doing. When you are mentally and emotionally exhausted it does become foggy, or interrupted to what we should be doing.
Finding your happy place within you, is what I am talking about.

So how do we find that???

The Analogy of Time

By Susan Rowlen


There are various reasons how people react to time. For some, as people are facing their end they would give anything to have more time to stay in this world. For others, they understand their end is near, and make their peace.

Time is a funny thing, how people embrace the events that surround them is truly a personal decision. You can have an extraordinary wish to something you want to happen, and it can be the biggest misunderstanding at the same time when it does not happen.


So why exactly is TIME so important???


As I have grown older, time has taught me not to question but to trust. Trust that time truly has its own agenda, and it’s not for us to compete with. So, the next time you question the timing to things, or your patience is running thin in regards to your wishes, your hopes, and dreams, that have not materialized yet… Remember there is a plan, it comes when you are truly ready.

When you begin to lose track of the time, is when time becomes your friend. You will feel the need to explore, to be happy in the moment, and to trust in the universe that it’s all in the timing without wanting and waiting.

The true tragedy is waiting for what you want to happen, and living an unlived life in the process. As the old saying goes… “You are not too old, and it’s not too late”

Trust, Relax, and Live without Waiting!

In the quest to discover and understand our life journey, we focus on the dreams and expectations for our lives.  However, you’ve heard of the saying, “We make plans and God laughs.”

A friend of mine posted this today on Facebook, “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli

What happens when everything we work so hard for doesn’t materialize? Don’t despair, do not question. It has always been obvious that sometimes what we should be doing is right under our nose, or what we are doing is not where we’re meant to be heading. And when that happens our life journey takes a different turn for the greater picture.

 The tricky part is when that happens we get mad and we don’t understand, or we think “I did everything right and it still hasn’t happened.” Sometimes it’s hard to see the big picture. When a client comes to see me, the struggle one has with one’s self is what needs to be worked on. And most of the time clients don’t know why and can’t move forward, they are stuck in neutral.

There are reasons and they are right under our nose and for others they keep hitting that brick wall. To understand life’s journey sometimes comes in stages. The bottom line is, when an obstacle comes your way don’t look for the excuse to give up, look deeper.

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What is the journey of the soul after leaving here and crossing over? I am often asked, “What happens to people’s souls when they have behaved badly here on earth?” It depends on what each of us is here to learn. We all have our particular life’s mission, so when we have parents or members of our family that don’t treat us well, know that we signed up for this mission. As the old saying goes, “We can’t pick our family.”  Guess again. We do.

The big question is why? One reason is to give that parent or child a chance for self-growth. To step up to the plate or for us to experience what it’s like to be mistreated. The journey of the soul requires experiencing full circle every feeling and what that feels like for our soul. When I’m doing a reading, people’s loved ones come through, and for some their message is truly one of remorse and feeling so sorry for the pain they have caused. There is no pay back on the other side, but a chance to do it again, full throttle and to fully understand. I often say God gets a bad rap. He is not in the habit of punishing us, but to give our souls as many chances as one needs to improve our souls in each lifetime. It’s to learn and be as close to being God-like as possible.

In the end the soul’s mission, the true journey of the soul is always about love and kindness. After crossing over, the first thing we will learn is to experience every feeling– good or bad– what we had done to others on earth, to experience what we have done to them. To truly experience all of the pain and joy we have caused, to understand fully the serious wrongs they had bestowed to someone on earth.  Once that is understood we have peace, love, and forgiveness. There is so more anger; here we carry so much grudge, anger and discomfort.

Upon crossing over, it’s all about love, peace and true understanding. Here we carry our suitcase and it’s filled and overfilled with heavy baggage, of horrible emotions, anxieties, guilt, sadness and regret. We carry this around our whole life. What I try to tell my clients is it’s time to unpack. Once we cross over, our souls not only see but feel the tranquil calm of divine peace and love. There is no more baggage on the other side; there is only tranquil peace!

It’s not the task that’s given, but how you handle the task.

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