
Saturn retrograde will be in Aquarius from June 29th through November 15th, 2024, which lasts 139 days. What does this mean???

Saturn retrograde slows everything down from delays, career, love, and long term goals as the planet moves backwards. Re-think your relationships, friendships, etc. Setting clear intentions and setting limits and balances to what you allow in.

Taking a step back and evaluating what you need to change in your life to be happier, and more successful. What you need to focus on is the opportunity of seeing things around you for it’s truth and getting truthful with you. It’s also a time not only to get real with you, but when you’re working hard it’s time to also give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

Now is the next step to challenge yourself more as Saturn represents time and matter, which means what is in today will be out next year. Many people are concerned if Saturn’s retrograde is bad. Saturn slows things down but at the same time we need to see how we can improve ourselves. What you take in, and what you let out, is key to your success in this period.

Saturn is not about pain and suffering; it can also be rewards given to you when you face what you need to face and look at scenarios for what it is. You can improve, and move forward, and focus on not only your next level but your highest level.

Saturn retrograde will be here through November 15th, 2024, and in that time, people will discover their hard work has really paid off and they will also see more clarity in what to do, in a much clearer sense of purpose. Going to the next level is what this period is all about.

Susan Rowlen

Psychic Medium

learning to take the time to recharge my batteries. I have always worked hard, and I continue to do so as I love helping people and giving them the messages they need to hear.  As much as I love to work, I am finding my balance, in turn that gives me my strength. Finding your strength will in turn give you your purpose to what you should and need to be doing. When you are mentally and emotionally exhausted it does become foggy, or interrupted to what we should be doing.
Finding your happy place within you, is what I am talking about.

So how do we find that???

The Analogy of Time

By Susan Rowlen


There are various reasons how people react to time. For some, as people are facing their end they would give anything to have more time to stay in this world. For others, they understand their end is near, and make their peace.

Time is a funny thing, how people embrace the events that surround them is truly a personal decision. You can have an extraordinary wish to something you want to happen, and it can be the biggest misunderstanding at the same time when it does not happen.


So why exactly is TIME so important???


As I have grown older, time has taught me not to question but to trust. Trust that time truly has its own agenda, and it’s not for us to compete with. So, the next time you question the timing to things, or your patience is running thin in regards to your wishes, your hopes, and dreams, that have not materialized yet… Remember there is a plan, it comes when you are truly ready.

When you begin to lose track of the time, is when time becomes your friend. You will feel the need to explore, to be happy in the moment, and to trust in the universe that it’s all in the timing without wanting and waiting.

The true tragedy is waiting for what you want to happen, and living an unlived life in the process. As the old saying goes… “You are not too old, and it’s not too late”

Trust, Relax, and Live without Waiting!