Many times the Holiday’s can be a huge struggle for so many of us without our loved ones with us. Understanding what our Loved ones truly want this Holiday Season is for us to keep their Love Alive. Here is my Latest Blog on this subject…Susan
Clearing out your clutter
Clearing out your clutter really has an impact on us not only in what is around us in a physical way, but on an emotional level it gives us from within. Many times, my clients ask me how do they go on without their loved ones??? They don’t know how to be, it’s very sad to see someone in so much pain. It can be very paralyzing to say the least. You feel like your arm has been amputated without the anesthetic, it’s grueling and very real all at once. Once you get past the shock that your loved one is gone then there is the vision of them everywhere in your living space. You don’t want to move anything even where your loved one last put their shoes or tossed their jacket. You want to preserve every object as they left it, because moving it represents a certain disloyalty like you have moved on.
The truth is your loved ones do want you to sort through their belongings, keep what’s precious and give away to others what you no longer need. In truth your loved ones do not want their rooms to be turned into a shrine and for you not to stay stuck or paralyzed permanently. Our loved ones want us to wear their favorite piece of jewelry or their favorite sweat shirt, feeling their everlasting presence but to clear out the clutter and start to make your life more of in the now. It’s not disrespectful to their memory to try to live your best self, to remember all of what was good. I tell my clients in order for the spirit to thrive we have to live our best self because they are always watching and truly with us. When we are falling apart or cannot function their spirit cannot thrive. We owe it to them to remember and cherish and to celebrate their life.
The holidays are coming; so do celebrate their memory being thankful for all they have represented but most of all their love that continues to live on within us, and to continue to celebrate life. Decorate your home and fill it with all of life’s richest blessings because it truly started with our loved ones that have passed. It’s up to us to continue and carry on the traditions of love and life.
Wishing all of you a most blessed holiday season
Much love, – Susan