Angels and archangels do exist.  This month because it’s the New Year, I’ve decided to write about our sweet angels. For one thing, we have angels that are appointed to us from as early as conception. They stay with us until our life is finished here on earth, then walk us through to the afterlife.

We are appointed one or two angels, everyone is different and we get what we need. Angels have never been human, as much as we like to think our loved ones that have passed are now angels looking down and watching over us, in truth, they do not become angels. Our loved ones become our spirit guides and help direct us with decision-making, or show us signs and let us feel their energy.

Our sweet angels are here to guide, protect and direct us always. It’s up to us if we choose to listen, and to listen to the little voice down deep. When we get a feeling of something that is not right, it is because it usually isn’t what’s best for us. If it feels right, again our angels are giving us that feeling of reassurance.

seven angelsNow there’s also the Seven Archangels, they are what I call the “big boys”, the heavy artillery. Each of these archangels have a specific purpose. So you pray to each of what you need and the magic starts to unfold. But always remember to thank your guardian angels, your archangels and your spirit guides. When you believe and trust they will never fail you.

Seven Archangels

1. Michael – Protection and love
2. Gabriel – Governs the emotions, calms and helps with anxiety
3. Raphael – Heals the body, mind and spirit. Boosts energy and creativity
4. Uriel – Patron angel of music, brings warnings and greets you at the gates of heaven
5. Raquel – Safe travels, make sure everyone behaves and patrols everyone. Makes sure everyone gets along
6. Sariel – Keeps things in order with children, makes sure there is no mess and children play happily.
7. Remiel – Angel of hope when facing death, for hospice and getting ready to cross over.

When you keep them in your life everyday our guardian angels, archangels and spirit guides will never fail you.

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Meditation is so important but many of us don’t nearly practice it as often as we should. It’s to tap into the spirit from within. Many of us get caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle of life’s overwhelming hectic schedule. You should take time out each and every day to close out the noises and distractions that are around you and inside your head. When your mind is mentally still you are able to start to awaken the spirit from within. You can start out by lighting a candle and focus on the light or you can be outside with nature, or even in the shower. When you are still and you are relaxed, then you can focus on the inner voice inside you. Then reach out to your spirit guides and angels. Pray to them ask them for direction and protection.

Also, find time to be grateful and thank your angels and spirit guides for helping you and directing you as well. When you clear out the noise, you will be surprised of what comes through. You may make contact with a loved one who has crossed over, or you may get insights of direction you are looking for and you can ask the universe and visualize what it is you want.

When you are relaxed and your breathing is calm you will be surprised of what comes through. Then the nature of the universe will take its course. Meditation clears the mind and opens the soul. When you are in touch with your soul is when you become in touch with your spiritual level. You can do this for as long as you want and wherever you want. This works for everyone, even children. When there is a place to go and be still from within, then the magic starts.

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Why is listening to that inner voice within each of us so difficult? I often see the real damage we do to ourselves when we simply don’t listen. l hear this so often from clients.  They know what they should do but often think they can prove that little voice wrong.

inner voice steve jobs quoteGuess again because that voice is your spirit guides trying to provide you direction.

When you don’t listen to your inner voice and those messages from your spirit guides, you don’t trust, and it will only take that much longer for you to get it right.

l tell my clients you already have the cheat sheet that’s providing you all the answers you need. Remember to pay attention to your inner voice that’s inside you.

It will never fail you.

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Do you want to make an angel connection?  Meditation plays an important role in connecting with your angels and spirit guides.  It should be such a huge part of each new day. Start by clearing your mind. Each and every one of us has our own spirit guides and guardian angels. From the time we are born, we all have spirit guides, and angels that are appointed to us.

We need to acknowledge that we are never alone and when there is a circumstance and something tells us, “don’t do it” it’s not something, but someone. When we have a great idea, it’s our angels and guides that put it there for us. So every morning. focus on making an angel connection.  Meditate to ask for direction, guidance and protection for each new day and you need to be thankful. When you accept freely of conditions that are put upon you, then you will see how life does take a magical turn.

Stay aware you are never alone!

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