In 2009 I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. I remember after my surgery I had a hard time recovering. The following week, I had a doctor’s appointment with my thyroid specialist. My doctor told me, when he removed my thyroid during surgery he had sent it to pathology and it was indeed cancer. I remember hearing my doctor speaking to me but when the word cancer was mentioned everything my doctor was talking about was a blur.

My Awakening

The awakening that I speak of comes from my visit Last week at a community pool. As I was waiting in line to go in, I noticed there was a man checking all people’s purses and beach bags like you were at a security checkpoint at the airport.  As I observed everything, at that moment for me everything was put into perspective.

Not only was there a baggage check but it was a reality check for me, something so simple and so pure like taking your children to a pool, to swim and play freely now becomes tarnished with suspicion. I am not against what this man was doing given the nature of what is going on with our world, but at the same time it was an awakening for me to see what a world our children now live in. What our world has become, the suspicion, the possible danger, the fear of everyday activities has now become compromised.

Having faith can sometimes be challenging and as I have always had my faith in times of trouble and despair, I find myself clinging onto it even more so.

Meditate as often as you can to ground yourself, go out, get in touch with nature look to the higher power to guide you and to protect you. Keep your loved ones close, take nothing for granted, love and be grateful for life’s simple pleasures, remembering to be grateful saying thank you for being here, and to experience the moment.

The choice is, allowing yourself to become bitter by all what’s going on in the world or we can have faith and pray for direction and strength that we so desperately need.

Trying to make sense of all the lives being lost, and maybe we never will, but the true test is not what is dealt to us, but how we choose to handle it. I have come to realize that love truly conquers all in every situation. The most powerful weapons are not the guns or the explosives or even the prejudice, it’s that love is more powerful than hate.

When there is love, there is peace.

Wishing you all a happy and safe summer.

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There are so many people who suffer from anxiety including myself.  Yes, I do as well!  What I have learned throughout the years is anxiety is real, and it is constant, but what I have learned is when you are doing the best you can then you are doing your part. That’s when you have to allow yourself to give it to a higher power and let the higher power take over, without interruption, which is key.

What is the higher power? When the situation gets bigger than you, you have to trust that God truly has an agenda for each and every one of us, even in times of doubt.

It is with God’s agenda for us, that we learn to have faith. I always say the universe wants to see if we have the ability to trust and have the power to do so, and in letting go is when the universe will take over and provide us with all that is good.

When we do not have faith and trust is when we are creating a huge disruption in letting the higher power from giving us what we need. So when your anxiety gets a little over whelming, remember….. you have the power to change your course of thinking at any time.

What is being tested is not your anxiety, but your ability to trust in the higher power.

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Happiness is a question that comes into focus as the Holidays draw near. As I look around and think back to my own obstacles, I have come to realize that life truly is a choice of how we live it.

You can choose how you want to feel, you can choose to be happy, but you can also choose to be honest with yourself. I know sometimes you can say it’s easier said than done, but how you deal with emotions is up to you. What I have come to realize myself is regrets and worrying are really such a waste of time and good energy.

Focus on Happiness, Not Regrets

There are so many people I have encountered while they are on their death bed and have realized if only there was more time. They came to the realization they had the power and the choice the whole time.

Don’t let years go by and then realize what you didn’t allow yourself, because in truth sometimes when we realize what and how we should have approached things, it is too late.

Losing a loved one comes as a great loss, but in truth what our loved ones really want for us is happiness and to create a grand life for ourselves. They want us to be the best person we can possibly be, which in turn brings happiness and peace to their spirit which allows their soul to have peace and self-growth as well. So this holiday turn your lost faith into renewed hope!

Wishing you all many blessings for a wonderful, connected, and spiritual Holiday Season & New Year

Much Love

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