Tag Archive for: acts of kindness

The gift of giving is never more appreciated than during the holidays. The feeling of warmth Christmas gives us is so special, it’s a shame that people only feel this once a year. How do we make it last all year long? Our parents and society teach us to go to school, get good grades, specialize in a career, save our money, find a mate, have a family, buy a house and occasionally donate to a charity. But what does it mean to make the most of what we have every day? It’s nice to have a bank account and watch it grow, but there are so many other ways to make the most of what we have each and every day.

GivingI have seen so many people posting on social media that there are people that are alone or don’t have enough to eat, but what have you done personally to make a difference? How do you extend the gift of giving in your life? If there is someone who is alone and can’t get out, have you taken the time to go to them? Have you picked up the phone, or buy a family presents that they cannot afford? Christmas reminds us of these simple acts of kindness, but what about each and every day?


Make Gift of Giving A New Year’s Resolution

As the New Year has approached and resolutions are being made, people are going to start to incorporate these resolutions in their daily lives, but when you incorporate what you DO want, also give up what no longer serves you well.

When you do this it becomes so much easier and so much more positive comes your way, which in turn makes it easier to do the right thing for others as well. When you give in the right direction, the right gifts come back to you on so many levels, and that is how we make use of what we have for all the right reasons.

So the next time you have an idea of how to better this world…GIVE

Wishing all of you abundance of blessings throughout 2016!

Much Love

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