Tag Archive for: change

Embracing the courage to change comes to mind especially at this time of year.  I hope everyone enjoyed their summer, and yes, it’s hard to believe we are already into the fall season. From a child I always loved the change in seasons.  It has always brought new opportunities for us to embrace another change.  Yet, when there is change how do we find our courage and strength to embrace life’s every day challenges?

The one thing I learned long ago is change does not have to be hard.  It’s all in how we embrace the courage to change for the challenges the universe puts in our direction. The hard part becomes when the change is difficult and we have no practice in that area in how to handle these circumstances, we panic and go into anxiety mode.

Embrace the Courage to Change

What we need to realize about change, good or bad, is the secret in how to handle it. We need to pay attention and not micro-manage every aspect of the change. There is something to be said for going with the flow, to embrace an openness instead of an uneasiness, which sets the pace for what comes next.

When we try not to control but to listen to our divine messages is when we are being led to the next chapter. Again, the secret is to let it happen.  When you do this you will see how much the courage the change actually comes through and your hidden strength starts to take over.

Remember change is necessary for one’s soul growth; when you resist you are not progressing!

Wishing you a wonderful harvest season!

Much love and abundance.
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Having a comfort zone is nice, but it does not necessarily mean you’re happy. I encounter many people who, for a number of reasons, don’t want to go outside their comfort zone.

Some of the reasons are:

1. Fear – of the unknown, fear of failing
2. Visualizing – can’t visualize what else there is besides what’s currently inside their realm.
3. Safety Net – it’s safe, not necessarily happy, but can rely on what is.
4. Strength – not able to have the strength to choose.
5. Decision – (The most important), which is to make a decision, and the confrontation in doing it.

All of those reasons are normal, but can be paralyzing at the same time. For the most part, visualizing and seeing what can be, or daring to try seems to always creep up for us to stay where we are, which in turn keeps us stuck. But our life was not meant for us to be safe even when we are in a situation that is not for us.

The true answer is not to settle.  Even though we are not in a place that makes us happy and do not have a solution, it still isn’t a reason to keep us here in our current situation. It always comes down to the fear, the fear of the unknown, the “what ifs”.  The worst part of this is to stay stuck your whole life always frustrated and never daring to change your life.

When we never attempt to make a change–the biggest tragedy of all–you stop your growth process. All the worrying, the non-confrontation, and above all the fear, is what occupies your good energy all along. So “Are you comfortable in your routine and is it making you happy?”

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